In the fast-paced world of collegiate athletics, a new variable is disrupting the game—the transfer portal. Though intended to grant athletes greater control over their careers, it has also created a seismic shift in athlete retention, leaving coaches grappling with rosters that ebb and flow with increasing unpredictability.


As someone who has spent over two decades coaching college football, I've seen firsthand the profound impact that consistent, strong player-coach relationships can have on a team's success. However, with the advent of the transfer portal, maintaining these relationships and building a stable team roster has become increasingly complex.

Beyond the impact on team dynamics and morale, a strikingly alarming observation is to be made—the economic cost of this turnover. According to research from Gallup, U.S. businesses were losing $1 trillion annually to voluntary turnover in 2019, and these figures come from the pre-pandemic era, before the onset of the "Great Resignation," when turnover rates were relatively average. This reality resembles what collegiate athletics is experiencing with the transfer portal, signaling a compelling need to address athlete retention.

One striking observation is the speed at which roster instability can impact performance. The potential lack of continuity and consistency affects team dynamics, morale, and overall performance. Athletes are not exempt from the repercussions, often facing the stress of frequent adjustments and the uncertainty of changing teams and systems.

The challenge is clear: How can we create an environment encouraging athletes to commit, and remain committed, to their programs? It's a question reminiscent of challenges businesses face fighting to retain their talent amidst competitive job markets and shifting employee expectations.

In a recent article, West Virginia's coach Neal Brown states, "the days of signing a class and retaining all the players for four to five years is probably over." This new reality beckons an innovative approach to athlete retention, much like companies such as Tesla have done to address similar issues. It's worth exploring how these successful companies keep their employees engaged, connected, and committed to their work.

As a coach first and now as Founder of XA Score, my mission is to equip coaches with tools to build stronger, more informed relationships with their athletes. This includes understanding the nuances of retention and engagement in today's dynamic athletic environment. 

Drawing from these experiences and the lessons from corporate America, the next part of this series will explore effective engagement strategies that industry leaders have successfully implemented. We will then dive into how these strategies can be adapted to the context of collegiate athletics to address the pressing issue of athlete retention.

Stay tuned for Part 2: "Engagement – The Foundation of Retention: Learning from Leading Companies."

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